【中美貿易戰】特朗普推特「警告」習:不達協議 中國很受傷


發布時間: 2019/05/13 19:10

最後更新: 2019/05/13 19:56



美國總統特朗普(Donald Trump)在香港時間今晚6時45分左右開始,連發5條Twitter推文,當中語帶警告稱,「我公開對習近平主席和我在中國的許多朋友說,如果你不達成協議,中國將受到非常嚴重的傷害,因爲企業將被迫離開中國前往其他國家」。



Their is no reason for the U.S. Consumer to pay the Tariffs, which take effect on China today. This has been proven recently when only 4 points were paid by the U.S., 21 points by China because China subsidizes product to such a large degree. Also, the Tariffs can be.....

...completely avoided if you by from a non-Tariffed Country, or you buy the product inside the USA (the best idea). That’s Zero Tariffs. Many Tariffed companies will be leaving China for Vietnam and other such countries in Asia. That’s why China wants to make a deal so badly!...

There will be nobody left in China to do business with. Very bad for China, very good for USA! But China has taken so advantage of the U.S. for so many years, that they are way ahead (Our Presidents did not do the job). Therefore, China should not retaliate-will only get worse!

I say openly to President Xi & all of my many friends in China that China will be hurt very badly if you don’t make a deal because companies will be forced to leave China for other countries. Too expensive to buy in China. You had a great deal, almost completed, & you backed out!

he unexpectedly good first quarter 3.2% GDP was greatly helped by Tariffs from China. Some people just don’t get it!

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